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News Navigator: Why is transphobia rising in Japan following debate on LGBTQ bill?

The Mainichi Shimbun answers some common questions readers may have about the problem of increasing hate speech and false rumors against transgender people in Japan.

Question: What problems are transgender people in Japan facing?

Answer: Transgender people are those whose gender identity is different from that assigned at birth. As the social system assumes the majority of people are cisgender, or those whose gender identity corresponds with that assigned at birth, transgender people can be subjected to discrimination and prejudice.

Hate speech against transgender people has spread mainly on social media, but it has increased even more since the “bill to promote understanding of LGBT people” recently gained renewed attention.

Q: Why is there more hate against transgender people now?

A: The bill describes efforts the national government and others must make to promote public understanding of transgender people, but it was falsely rumored that “if this law is enacted, you could just state that you’re a ‘woman at heart’ to enter the women’s section of a public bath.”

Whether or not one can enter certain sections of a public bathhouse is determined individually by each organization managing the facility. A person will not immediately be considered a transgender woman just by saying they “are a woman at heart.” False rumors that give off an impression the bill undermines women’s rights are malicious as they make people feel insecure, and have serious repercussions.

Q: How do we prevent the spread of misinformation?

A: Transgender people and others argue that “false rumors are threatening our lives,” and are calling for an end to hate speech. While there are many difficulties and challenges that transgender people face, currently a lot of energy has to be spent on debunking misinformation. Efforts must be made to base discussions on accurate knowledge and facts.

(Japanese original by Miyuki Fujisawa, Lifestyle and Medical News Department)
